NSW reforms: Proposal for co-regulation of building and construction

12 February 2023

AMCA Australia has made a submission regarding the co-regulation of building and construction in NSW.

The review of NSW building laws is the most comprehensive reform process in decades. It represents a wholesale rewrite of the regulatory landscape, involving a root-and-branch review of licensing and regulation requirements across a range of disciplines. 

The reform consultation process will take place over several phases and numerous months. 

As part of that process, AMCA Australia has made several submissions to represent the needs of members. We will keep you informed of future submissions, as well as asking for your input to ensure we address your reform wish list.

As always, please let me know if we can be of any help.


Ben Hawkins 

Proposal for co-regulation of building and construction


As part of their licensing overhaul, the NSW Government is proposing a co-regulatory approach to competency assessment and continuous professional development.

Co-regulation generally involves industry and government working together to develop, administer, oversee, and enforce a regulatory solution that meets the needs of the industry while protecting the needs of consumers and the broader community. It has gained prominence over the years as a means of addressing complex and dynamic regulatory challenges by involving industry participants in regulating their own industry.

Under the proposed model, industry bodies would be responsible for conducting competency assessments that better reflect the latest knowledge and practices used in the industry and for developing and administering continuous professional development. 

The government would be responsible for ensuring the assessment bodies are doing a good job meeting strict governance and operational standards, and for assessing the suitability of licence applicants before finally issuing a licence.

Now, I know what you’re thinking—it hasn’t worked up to this point, especially for companies involved in the mechanical aspects of fire safety systems.

This is why we’ve highlighted several areas the government must address to regain industry practitioners' confidence. It’s also why we’ve expressed our interest in becoming an accreditation authority to better meet our members' needs.

AMCA Australia's submission

On 18 December 2023, AMCA Australia made a submission regarding the proposal for co-regulation of building and construction.

Our submission was made from two relevant and important perspectives:

  1. As representatives of our members, we consider whether the co-regulation approach meets the needs of industry, consumers, and the broader public.
  2. As an industry association, we provide commentary on the proposed model based on our interest in becoming an accreditation authority and delivering and administering continuous professional development to licence holders.

Download AMCA's submission

Got a question? Contact AMCA on 1300 475 615 or [email protected].